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Monday, May 14, 2012

Last day of high school

It's make it or break it at this point. I either have to have the motivation or stay fat forever. Trust me, I've thought hard about if I would have the drive to go out that door and walk, jog, or do any physically helpful activity and to be honest, I think I can do it.

Maybe I'll need a little more drive than before, but let's think about it. I will have the 8 hours I was at school to myself now. I can either work more or go out and take a jog/walk around my neighborhood. Trust me, I can do that and sleep in too! I know I can, I just have to believe in myself.

As for motivation, let's just say I want to do this for myself, as I have always wanted too.  I just hope the summer opens up some blessings for me, y'know? I wanna kick this extra weight and have a transformation! I know that that'll only happen with effort and laying off the snacks, which is SO HARD for me.

To be totally honest with you, I haven't changed my eating habits and I could only stay away from pop for around a month before I went back and drank it like water again. I failed. But I didn't stop. I'm really going to try over the summer to be a better person and break that habit.

Hopefully my next post will have a better update.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

One problem after another

So I have been feeling pretty good lately. My heel only hurts when I walk up and down steps or jog/run. I did my first set of Power Cleans Wednesday in Weight Training! I was so happy about that, I decided I'd try it and I didn't feel any pain in my foot at all when I did! (It's a exercise that works your lower ankles, etc...)

I even played Ultimate Frisbee at church Wednesday and it didn't hurt either! It was so fun to finally be able to do something again. I NEED TO PLAY TENNIS!! I think I'll post something on Facebook or something to see if anyone wants to play tennis. I really want to start that up again this summer.

As far as weight loss, I have no idea how much I weigh. I will try to weight myself soon, but I don't know where I can find an accurate scale. I only have a week left of school and I'll graduate high school. I seriously need to take my weight loss seriously, because if I don't... Well my goals won't be made (and to be honest, I don't see it happening this late in the game).

Guess I will just keep on striving and hope for the best next year. On the plus, I'll look good by college, I hope. I'll keep in touch.